Proposed: A more precise definition of ‘Gender’ , and its antecedent references

1 min readMay 21, 2018

“Gender”-the meaning is assumed to be understood- but it isn’t. Dictionary definitions circle around versions of “male or female”, but this is terribly inadequate, and confounds the practical resolutions of gender misunderstanding.

Perhaps we can more accurately define ‘Gender’ as:

“ a component of personal, interpersonal and social identity, referencing the duality of male and female in sexual reproduction, and its elaboration in cultural roles, privileges, and appearance standards. Gender is not determined by anatomy, and an individual’s sense of gender may comprise any combination of psychological and cultural elements traditionally associated with one sex or the other. Individual gender experience may fluctuate in style and intensity. ”

It is just as necessary to be more precise about the antecedent terms that sprinkle any discussion of gender. I offer this set of distinctions, by way of example:

male- n. a person having an reproductive sexual anatomy of penis and testicles.This can, whether by birth or surgery, in the case of intersex persons and transsexuals.

masculine-adj. — having the secondary sex characteristics typical of males, or behaving in ways culturally expected of males and which are distinguished from ‘feminine’ secondary sex characteristics and behaviors.

man- n. -a social, cultural, and legal status accorded an adult person, and bringing with it expectations, privileges, etc. that are often defined and distinguished from those accorded to persons with the status of ‘women’.And really, aren’t we all just people wanting to express gender more accurately?




We can all help each other a lot by freely expressing our gender